Well, I already wrote this whole thing once. So I'm not impressed. I guess it serves me right for using the nightly firefox (Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv:1.8b2) Gecko/20050308 Firefox/1.0+) For my general usage. I think it makes me a better tester to always use it. Meh!!Ok, so here's the news. I went to Manchester on Monday. I was up at 4:30am and on the 6:50am train to Manchester. I must have spent an hour waiting at bus/train stations before I got on the train. 4½ hours later I was in Manchester Piccadilly station, By Heck!! It's bigger than London King's Cross Station, I nearly got lost!!Mind you, I did get lost once I got out of the station. I asked directions at the station information desk, and a guy told me to go straight down the road and turn right at the 2nd set of traffic lights, where I would find a bus station... From my gatherings, I think he might have meant left! I spent 30mins wandering around Manchester looking for anything that might give me a hint of where I was going, until I eventually found my way back to the train station and asked for directions on how to walk to the Met Uni, since I had already tried looking for busses, lol. This was a lot easier, even though I'd been walking for an hour and a half by the time I got there, and I was still 50 minutes early!!He let me go right up, and, having got lost again, I finally found him 10 minutes later!The interview went well, we discussed my proposal and we talked about all it's problems so I can make a better idea of what I'm gonna do. We also somehow spent ages talking about philosophy/sociology of psychology and psychoanalysis. It was great, I've never had a discussion like that... It was really fun!!Now, here comes the bad bit... He said there's no funding there. The ESRC doesn't recognise the unit as eligible for funding, and there's no MMU studentship money been allocated yet. So he simply told me to push my application at Loughborough. And I'm hoping that he's spoken to the guy there and said how great I am!! Fingers crossed, eh?In other news, lol, I went out into Retford on Monday night, I'd not have been back in Norwich until 0:30am Tues, so I stayed at my mum's. There was only Wendy and Jo out, so it was a nice quiet drink, until Wenna started drinking, then it got loud. Mind you, I've not laughed like that in ages. I had a really great time, but I always do with Wenna.However, I got worried once I got home that I'd done something wrong, I promised Wenna I'd walk her home, cos I was going a similar way anyway, but I left her at the end of the road, so as not to make her b.f jelaous. We'd been joking about her getting drunk and naked for me, and wasn't sure she'd taken it as a joke, so I had to text her to make sure, and to apologise for leaving her at the end of her road. Unfortunaltely, her b.f read the text, so now I'm in trouble... Just another example of where nothing goes wrong, I convince myself it has, and I cock everything up by trying to 'fix' the imaginary problem... Apparently therapy isn't moving me forward as fast as I had thought... I have my review with my therapist today at 2 though. So I'll see how that goes, aswell...Note: I'm still looking for help on the CSS and stuff on here :p Thanks
Edit: Wenna just e-mailed me, we're cool :o)

Labels: life, psychoanalysis, university, work